So this is the last day in 2010 , last hours when i stay and think what I've done this year, not so many important things let's say 40% good things the other bad... This year I've manage to start a book it's called "New York Style" by the name you can tell what is my inspiration along with the TV serial Gossip Girl, it's a story of young people who chose there life to be exciting . I wrote songs, i bought a new cell phone, i got to see some places in my country this year, to finish my school year with good grades etc..
My plans for 2011 are easy to say but hard to anticipate so they will remain under "?" for now when i will make them i will tell you what they were... so until then I wish you all "Happy New Year"!!!
A day when you need a reason to feel alive and you don't know what to do... so you just start writing your own thoughts and make something out of them.
31 decembrie 2010
28 noiembrie 2010
music week 3...!
Nu am mai publicat nimic in ultimul timp probabil ca din cauza ca nimeni nu citeste acest blog:)) nu stiu din ce motive nimeni nu citeste pentru ca eu consider ca se pot gasi lucruri , discutii interesante... In fine lasand acest subiect trecem la music week 3... voi scrie melodiile cele mai recent ascultate de mine binenteles pe locul 1 fiind "Empire state of mind" cele doua parti cea cu Jay-z si cea solo...
In acest topic am sa includ si discutia despre "muzica pentru revelion" asa ca oricine are ideei sa publice aici o melodie....
In acest topic am sa includ si discutia despre "muzica pentru revelion" asa ca oricine are ideei sa publice aici o melodie....
30 septembrie 2010
Multiple reasons!
Cu atata bataie la cap in ultumul timp nu am mai avut timp prea mult sa deschid laptopul asa ca nu am mai scris nici un blog... in fond cine le citeste? vuzualizari foarte putine, commuri deloc, asta e mai mult ca un fel de jurnal pentru ca nimanui nu ii pasa, un simplu" like" ar fi nice... dar ma rog nu conteaza.... deci vorbesc din nou cu mine" heyyyyyy cmzzzz" o sa ma exorcizez in curand... dar pana atunci sa discutam putin...:)....
today i feel the noise inside me
and the shallow that we once embraced
the truth behind the curtains
can now be seen in public
and we should sometimes reunite
for the love of or past
keeping a distance between our sols
connecting fizical and out of control
like we never knew what is gonna happen?
we kept our memories blinded
by a certain scar among us
forever us baby, infinity is here....!
today i feel the noise inside me
and the shallow that we once embraced
the truth behind the curtains
can now be seen in public
and we should sometimes reunite
for the love of or past
keeping a distance between our sols
connecting fizical and out of control
like we never knew what is gonna happen?
we kept our memories blinded
by a certain scar among us
forever us baby, infinity is here....!
3 august 2010
Moments of inspiration!
In momentele mele de inspiratie imi place sa scriu.... in general orice dar in engleza nu stiu de ce nu pot sa scriu in romana....
Hope you will like it:)....
Beyond the glory of the sun….
Beyond the glory of the sun
We shall meet again
Embrace those feelings
Keep your perspective
Open for so many moments
And just run away be free
When you open your eyes
Don’t look back to those days
When you feel all apart
And you’re life was a mess
It’s important to forget
The loneliness inside
Immortalize time for me
Let teardrops fall like rain
Awake when the sun rises
Follow the air into the ocean
Smile without fear today
The world around us is just a game
Blinded by a hopeless past
I shall rise from the ashes
And sail far into the deep
Where I see no one’s face
Looking at me , far away
Into the deep
The time has no longer limit
I have to face reality now
To go into the world alone
I fear that path no more
Because I have no doubt
That I will not find the answer there
And I will waste my time
With meaningless blaze
A sign will be helpful now
But my pray is not answered
So I have to look into the daylight
And find myself an answer
And when the victory will come to an end
I shell be there waiting for you.
Hope you will like it:)....
Beyond the glory of the sun….
Beyond the glory of the sun
We shall meet again
Embrace those feelings
Keep your perspective
Open for so many moments
And just run away be free
When you open your eyes
Don’t look back to those days
When you feel all apart
And you’re life was a mess
It’s important to forget
The loneliness inside
Immortalize time for me
Let teardrops fall like rain
Awake when the sun rises
Follow the air into the ocean
Smile without fear today
The world around us is just a game
Blinded by a hopeless past
I shall rise from the ashes
And sail far into the deep
Where I see no one’s face
Looking at me , far away
Into the deep
The time has no longer limit
I have to face reality now
To go into the world alone
I fear that path no more
Because I have no doubt
That I will not find the answer there
And I will waste my time
With meaningless blaze
A sign will be helpful now
But my pray is not answered
So I have to look into the daylight
And find myself an answer
And when the victory will come to an end
I shell be there waiting for you.
1 august 2010
Sighisoara 24-26 07.2010!
Stiu ca este putin cam tarziu de a scrie acest blog, dar nu am avut pozele pana acum ca sa pot sa il scriu.Am fost luna aceasta la "Festivalu Medieval din Sighisoara" editia XIX... mai multe informatii despre realizarea acestui festival le puteti gasi pe google, ce stiu eu este ca acest festival a fost creat pentru ca oamenii sa studieze cultura medievala, obicieiuri, traditii etc
16 iulie 2010
Cateodata iti vine sa pleci undeva departe sa scapi de toate problemele si de toate grijile dar de multe ori nu faci ceea ce iti propui... sunt multe motive dar pana la urma noi dorim acel lucru pentru ca orice se poate daca vrei si este adevarat... trebuie doar sa lupti pentru acel "ceva" de care esti asa mandru ... nu imi place lumea care se lauda cu ce nu are se da mare in fata altora si ei defapt nu sunt un nimic... cu ce te ajuta?... lucru cel mai important e ce crezi tu despre tine daca si pe tine te minti singur atunci devine un reflex sa ii minti pe ceilalti... traiesc intre 2 lumi... una a oamenilor normali alta a oamenilor care mint...:-?? pe cei care mint ii ascult doar, pe ceilalti ii ajut cu ce pot:-|... okay orice om minte pana la urma dar mint cu ceva in genu sunt obligat sa ies cu cineva pe afara si il mint ca nu pot... sau ca nu vreau sa vin la scoala si spun ca imi e rau... etc... dar sa minti cu chesti despre viata ta persoanala doar ca sa iesi in avantaj este ceva jalnic numai un om fara caracter ar face asa ceva... fara personalitate... sa zic ca " m-am nascut in America" cand pe certificatul de nastere scrie" Romania":)) ... adica de ce faci asta? stau cateodata si ma gandsc ca viata unora este 60% asa... traiesc o fantezie a lor:))... chiar daca nu recunosc sunt doar gelosi si plini de sine si nu recunosc nimic ....! LASI!
11 iulie 2010
Wild night!
DA!... aseara a fost o seara mai ciudata.... prima parte normala... ne duceam la RMA o gramada de lume bineinteles cum ma asteptam majoritatea cocalari si tarani ... am stat cam pana pe la 11 acolo dupa care am plecat la teatru... ne am intalnit cu niste prieteni am stat acolo cam pana pe la 12 jum 1... nu ne-am mai intors la concert pentru ca era prea multa lume, s-au dus cativita prieteni, cand s-au intors .Guess Who trece pe langa mine ele" Gues Whoo:X:X: eu" unde?"=)) el era langa mine... frumos pai de unde sa stiu eu exact cum arata nu sunt fana:))... trecem peste asta dupa m-am intalnit cu alti prieteni si cu un var de al meu si ne am indreptat spre casa...In drum ii vine o idee unuia din ei" Buaa hai la after party.." Noi ii zicem ca iti trebuie invitatie el ca nu ca ma baga pe mine acolo=))))) buaaa nu ai nici 18 ani:)) aa ce conteaza hai pana acolo ... am luat taxi am ajus la Helin la aeroport am oprit acolo... s-au dus acolo eu le-am spus ca nu o sa ne primeasca, si asa a fost am ajuns la 3 jum noaptea acolo scria la intrare" Ghercesti"=)) si nu am intrat... ne-am intalnit cu Spike, Grasu xxl, Cristian D... macar i-am vazut mai aproapte:))... oricum wild night la 4 nopatea la nush cati km de casa:))... sper ca la anu sa fie mai palpitant:))
9 iulie 2010
Gandire si concluzii!....
Azi am realizat un lucru... ca anumite lucruri chiar daca nu vrei sa le faci iti sunt impuse iar lucrurile care doresti sa le faci se amana tot timpu...Lumea e "ok" cu reactiile tale atata cat sunt in avantajul lor, iar multi te lasa balta pe ultima suta de metrii si dupa incepem cu regrete...e sau nu e ceva dernajant? nici eu numai inteleg daca ar trebui sa ma deranjeze sau nu, daca ma supar " ca de ce te superi din lucru asta" daca nu ma supar pic de "proasta" , nimic nu este firesc si normal dupa principiile altora trebuie sa reactionezi numai la sfaturile si concluziile lor dar cand vine vorba sa ii luam pe ei la intrebari atunci totul este simplu" taci si indura"... chiar m-am saturat de totata prostia asta daca as reusi sa scap ar fi prea simplu insa din pacate viata e complicata...Timp pierdut pentru tine inseamna "party" pentru altii, nu ca e ceva rau dar pana la urma la ce sa ti? La priteni sa induri multe ca sa ii ai ?... sau la propria pesrsoana sa iei in considerare orice gresala si sa taxezi...?.... Nimeni nu imi da un raspuns , nimeni nu ma asculta... nimeni nu tine cont de ce zic?.... de ce?.... o simpla intrebare fara raspuns ... si majoritatea raspunsurilor sunt false... adevarul nu exista...s-a transformat in barfa si fitze...!
6 iulie 2010
Iphone, Nokia, HTC, Samsung?
Am facut acest post pentru ca vreau sa imi iau un telefon ( una din marcile de mai sus) si nu stiu exact ce.
Iphone 3gs am auzit ca tine bateria putin, dar am si citit ca poti sa faci niste setari ca sa tina mai mult. Daca tot dai banii pe telefoane macar sa fie bun.

Nokia.... voiam nokia e72 sau E90 am vazut prima data prin Gossip Girl nu stiu exact cat e pretul lui pentru ca nu am vazut in Craiova pana acum.... oricum am auzit ca au inceput sa le proasteasca daca e sa mi-l iau imi iau din alta tara, eu momentam am 6300 bine la inceput cand a aparut era printre cele mai bune acum nu prea ...

HTC... arata exceptional, desire e prea mare dar un HTC Touch 2 sau un touch diamond 2 ar fi perfect insa nu stiu cat tine bateria sau alte delatii aplicatii. Oricum mi se par umpic cam scumpe.

Samsung... Ieftine si bune cu design cool chiar sunt super tari, spre deosebire de LG ele au mult mai multe decat "aspect" , sunt bune si ca soft si ca performanta...

Iphone 3gs am auzit ca tine bateria putin, dar am si citit ca poti sa faci niste setari ca sa tina mai mult. Daca tot dai banii pe telefoane macar sa fie bun.

Nokia.... voiam nokia e72 sau E90 am vazut prima data prin Gossip Girl nu stiu exact cat e pretul lui pentru ca nu am vazut in Craiova pana acum.... oricum am auzit ca au inceput sa le proasteasca daca e sa mi-l iau imi iau din alta tara, eu momentam am 6300 bine la inceput cand a aparut era printre cele mai bune acum nu prea ...

HTC... arata exceptional, desire e prea mare dar un HTC Touch 2 sau un touch diamond 2 ar fi perfect insa nu stiu cat tine bateria sau alte delatii aplicatii. Oricum mi se par umpic cam scumpe.

Samsung... Ieftine si bune cu design cool chiar sunt super tari, spre deosebire de LG ele au mult mai multe decat "aspect" , sunt bune si ca soft si ca performanta...

5 iulie 2010
Music Week! :part 2
In acest blog voi pune melodii din anul 2001 pana in 2005:)... O perioada destul de ciudata pentru mine in care am descoperit ce vreau sa ascult si ce nu:D ... sincer niciodata nu m-au interesat melodiile romanesti ... am avut doar o perioada de hip hop prin clasa a 6 a cam durat 4-5 luni nu mai mult... oricum ascultam muzica comerciala ... dar in rest cam nimic romanesc;;)...
4 iulie 2010
Music Week!
In ultimul timp am inceput sa ascult melodii mai vechi din motive de plicitseala, amintiri etc... Multe din ele erau un "model" ma ajutau sa inteleg multe chestii si care ma indrumau spre ce vreau.... Deci o sa incep un top de muzica cu formatii sau cu melodii incepand din 1993 (adica anu in care m am nascut ) :))muzica copilariei mele si pana in ziua de astazi... puteti sa postati melodiile voastre pereferate ....
27 iunie 2010
I won't stop missing a dam day of my life because of u!
O zi normala si plictisitoare.... UHOOO!.... YEAHHH:-|.... BOORING DAY!.... Incerc sa nu ma mai gandesc la ceea ca ma indispune momentan... Urasc oameni pe interes dar nu pot sa scap de ei decat sa ii evit... de ce?:-?? nici eu nu stiu pur si simplu nu imi sta in caracter sa ma port urat... Acum cateva zile eram cu niste colege si am vorbit depre calitatile si defectele fiecareia dintre noi defectul meu" prea sociabila cu cine nu merita, prea buna cu toti, mi sa mai spus de n ori", calitate " de incredere" "always count on me i will never tell".... Sunt persoane care a si face orice sa le fie bine si sunt persoane care fac unele lucruri din obligatie ... Am incercat o explicatie... Daca esti bun cu toata lumea si cu persoana care iti e antipatica te comporti diferit adica zici tot timpu NU sau uneori atunci dai de inteles ca ai ceva cu ea... am incercat sa spun in fata... Nu a durat mai mult de o saptamana si iar a inceput totu... What's wrong with me?.... nu inteleg... Adica eu am principiile mele nu vreau sa ma cert cu nimeni realizez cateodata ar trebui sa imi pun lumea in cap... imi sustin punctu de vedere si ajung la un rezultat...[ Barfe pe la spate]... asa ca mai bine sar peste aceasta metoda.... Putini prieteni adevarati.... 2 pe care ii cun de o viata... 3-4 prieteni care ii cunosc de putin timp dar care imi sunt prieteni care poate nu vorbim in fiecare zi dar care m au ajutat si care nu suna doar cand au un interes ....Multumesc pentru tot... cativa colegi care ma inteleg... restu numai minciuni...:) sunt unii pe care nu am apucat sa ii cunosc ca prieteni... poate am sa ajung...
20 iunie 2010
finding a new world!
Din lipsa de ocupatie si de plictiseala am stat toata ziua in casa la calculator... vroiam sa imi schimb poza de pe desktop asa ca am scris pe google " desktop " si mi a aparut "desktop google" asa ca am intrat sa vad ce e.... Este cea mai tare chestie... un fel de slide care apare in dreapta cu ceas, youtube, etc.... Puteti sa il donwloadati de aici este gratis si usor de folosit...
16 iunie 2010
Cuza la alergat...
Mai nou este la moda sa alergi dimineata prin parc sau pe terenuri de sport... in ultimul timp am vazut o gramada de persoane care fac lucrul acesta... motive hmmm pentru unii de a se mentine , pentru unii de a slabii pentru alti pentru ca e "cool"... Azi am fost si eu in parc la alergat , de nu stiu cand zic ca fac asta dar niciodata nu m-am terzit ca sa ma duc sa alerg... si azi era tentant sa dorm dar zisei ce naiba tot timpu fac asa:)... asa ca la ora 9 luai 24 cu o colega si mereram in parc unde ma int cu 6 persoane din cuza ...:)) socant daca mai stateam mult ma mai intalneam si cu cei din carol=))...anyway nu stiam ca sunt atatea persoane care alearga in fiecare dimineaza... sportul e sanatos dar de cele mai multe ori intervine comoditatea... nu alergai prea mult dar vin iar maine ... so cine vrea ma gaseste acolo la 8 jum...:)...
15 iunie 2010
finding a new world!
So this is the last blog i will write in english... first reason... not many people know good english, 2.. it's more hard for some to read so this way nobody reeds my blog... second i want for friends to comment... :)... The think that is on my mind right now it's the fact it's that i'm to lazy to do something... I want to go out but it's to hot outside ( anyway i will go muhaha>:) ).... i'm not hungry, i feel like i'm melting ...:-| ... it sucks ... :)
So last blog in english... for more updated in english i will use twitter.... check there...
So last blog in english... for more updated in english i will use twitter.... check there...
9 iunie 2010
When time will became endless![01]
Summer here.... my birthday on 25, the time of my life party, having fun, traveling anyway the best time ever.... today i'm going to school to see what's up there... and after going out!... anyway this is the first blog of this summer!
30 aprilie 2010
Inspired by dark!
There's always a start in all the things we do.. even if we want them to be how we consider to be good... Sometimes we anticipate the next journey that we know from the beginning ... it can also be dangerous to think about the future because we know that we can not turn back the present... Some people are sick,they don't understand the meaning of real friendship and just a person you know, they think they are important in your life , but they are NOT, they can believe in you, but you can believe in them, you lie to them just to get out but you can't get out from the start it's impossible... You start to think there's no way out... but there is....
I consider persons psychopaths and they know that no one will ever like them so they try to be friendly but they will NEVER BE FOR YOU FRIENDS"
I consider persons psychopaths and they know that no one will ever like them so they try to be friendly but they will NEVER BE FOR YOU FRIENDS"
12 aprilie 2010
deadly words!
Every day we see people around us, some of them are just ordinary people, some we know, some are actually friends... Anyway we see in all of them what they feel, if we can trust , or if it's dangerous... Some friends turn out to be our rivals because there behavior , they see in us friends but they don't know how to act , so we just let them find there own way in life..."i only wish you weren't my friends, that i could hurt you in the end"....Snuff "... the
lyrics that inspired this blog ....
I try to don't look at the past ,just for the future because a friendship doesn't matter in the past .... but most of them don't understand this they think that they can do every thing they want...
Try to be heartless ,
don't let them get to you
or you'll be hurt....
lyrics that inspired this blog ....
I try to don't look at the past ,just for the future because a friendship doesn't matter in the past .... but most of them don't understand this they think that they can do every thing they want...
Try to be heartless ,
don't let them get to you
or you'll be hurt....
24 martie 2010
"mistakes are not for us"
Meeting new people and getting to know them is an important step in life, one that we don't have to be afraid of... We have to realize that people are not friends... and friends sometimes can become enemies without knowing why, no reasons , they only make us suffer.. . Anyway life is more important them some filozofic lessons that we never listen , we are young we need out time to figure out what we want....
Listening to Lacrimas Profundere-shiver
"and every little dumb
there is a mistake
the tried could be wrong
I swear that you can do it
while all what was is gone
you should discover
another emptiness to fall in with our bad times"
Listening to Lacrimas Profundere-shiver
"and every little dumb
there is a mistake
the tried could be wrong
I swear that you can do it
while all what was is gone
you should discover
another emptiness to fall in with our bad times"
15 martie 2010
Hallo... Wie gehts all?... The first day of a new week... and it's all ready special :).... this weekend for me was the weirdest weekend i ever had... i felt like the FBI was watching me... Anyway... i just want to do something special this week but i have many test papers , i hate them... Friday i have the francophonie contest , i just have to make the soundtrack that is all...:D...
but maybe i will tell you more this weekend...
but maybe i will tell you more this weekend...
8 martie 2010
High road!
Normal feelings, normal day!... no inspiration for something emotional to wrote today... I woke up in the morning trying to learn at biology and chemistry but i didn't learned nothing and it's 10 am ... So i have to make my hair, to get dress and to make my school bag ... normal things to do but i hate doing the school part it's very stressful ...
Anyway i want to enjoy my day even though it probably will suck, but i don't care life's to short to lose every second of it .
PS: In a mood for goth music
Normal feelings, normal day!... no inspiration for something emotional to wrote today... I woke up in the morning trying to learn at biology and chemistry but i didn't learned nothing and it's 10 am ... So i have to make my hair, to get dress and to make my school bag ... normal things to do but i hate doing the school part it's very stressful ...
Anyway i want to enjoy my day even though it probably will suck, but i don't care life's to short to lose every second of it .
PS: In a mood for goth music
2 martie 2010
...till the end of time]
It's come a time when we have to face reality , we have to be strong and fight our fears , but sometimes we are to weak to do it alone . For many people time is a cage, whatever you do you can not escape, I imagine myself free from a world with androids , I have my worlds surrounded by music, art, passion, freedom , a world where i feel safe . It looks like i live in a different world then others , i chose only a few people to be part of my world , not all of them are capable .
It's a gift that i have you"
The time is on our side
you make me believe in
what i really want
stop the countdown
now's you time
start the show
the curtains down"
It's a gift that i have you"
The time is on our side
you make me believe in
what i really want
stop the countdown
now's you time
start the show
the curtains down"
28 februarie 2010
01: Blog in lyrics
Take away a life i trust
Never forget the story behind
Maybe we change we must
Finally embrace our lives
All the time we have
There's no change
To spent it together
But i'm here forever
I won't let go
Nights are falling down
We are seen like in a dream
Your voice is my echo
You are my forever
Now i have no fear
The light is finally here
Distance is the answer
For a long suffering
A moment meters
Only if you are in it
Find me, in my dreams
I will always wait
I'm here.....
Never forget the story behind
Maybe we change we must
Finally embrace our lives
All the time we have
There's no change
To spent it together
But i'm here forever
I won't let go
Nights are falling down
We are seen like in a dream
Your voice is my echo
You are my forever
Now i have no fear
The light is finally here
Distance is the answer
For a long suffering
A moment meters
Only if you are in it
Find me, in my dreams
I will always wait
I'm here.....
27 februarie 2010
Control of the heartbeat
Hello friends,
Today i just install windows XP on a friends PC... It was hard because i had to spent time to search for the drivers and programs but in the end i did it. So i don't know i want to do something but i don't have what to do... I deleted a part of my music ( 20 GB) because i find stupid to keep that much most of the songs i never listen to them and if i need a song i can search on youtube, more easy and more fast, i only kept my favorite bands the music i know i listen everyday ...
Today i just install windows XP on a friends PC... It was hard because i had to spent time to search for the drivers and programs but in the end i did it. So i don't know i want to do something but i don't have what to do... I deleted a part of my music ( 20 GB) because i find stupid to keep that much most of the songs i never listen to them and if i need a song i can search on youtube, more easy and more fast, i only kept my favorite bands the music i know i listen everyday ...
25 februarie 2010
Old song
A video i found in my laptop since i was more young, I like this song very much i hope you do too... Write me what songs you like
A new begining!
Hello ,
The first words on my blog.... Hmm I'm in a good mood today, still i realize that tomorrow will be awful because i have a big test paper... anyway i hope all will be fine, i have horrible class hours .
I saw the Eclipse trailer, I notice that Taylor Laurent is not playing as Jacob anymore.. sad he really was good for that job, i like the book , but i hated the movie( New Moon) the effects were bad and the movie had a bad taste in the action selected from the book.. I'm also looking forward for Alice in Wonderland the new movie directed by Tim Burton my favorite director .
I wanted to read some books but i don't have ideas so i downloaded a pack from the internet and i want to start reading this week...
So until next time,
The first words on my blog.... Hmm I'm in a good mood today, still i realize that tomorrow will be awful because i have a big test paper... anyway i hope all will be fine, i have horrible class hours .
I saw the Eclipse trailer, I notice that Taylor Laurent is not playing as Jacob anymore.. sad he really was good for that job, i like the book , but i hated the movie( New Moon) the effects were bad and the movie had a bad taste in the action selected from the book.. I'm also looking forward for Alice in Wonderland the new movie directed by Tim Burton my favorite director .
I wanted to read some books but i don't have ideas so i downloaded a pack from the internet and i want to start reading this week...
So until next time,
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