Cu atata bataie la cap in ultumul timp nu am mai avut timp prea mult sa deschid laptopul asa ca nu am mai scris nici un blog... in fond cine le citeste? vuzualizari foarte putine, commuri deloc, asta e mai mult ca un fel de jurnal pentru ca nimanui nu ii pasa, un simplu" like" ar fi nice... dar ma rog nu conteaza.... deci vorbesc din nou cu mine" heyyyyyy cmzzzz" o sa ma exorcizez in curand... dar pana atunci sa discutam putin...:)....
today i feel the noise inside me
and the shallow that we once embraced
the truth behind the curtains
can now be seen in public
and we should sometimes reunite
for the love of or past
keeping a distance between our sols
connecting fizical and out of control
like we never knew what is gonna happen?
we kept our memories blinded
by a certain scar among us
forever us baby, infinity is here....!