27 iunie 2012

In sfarsit am scapat de prima parte a stresului din perioada asta, mai am doua parti si"c'est fini" ... pana atunci incerc sa nu decad psihic (sa nu ajung ca bacovia), sa nu fiu santajata (ca harap alb), sa las testament celor mai mici experienta mea de viata, si sa nu ajung in al 3-lea razboi mondial cu mine . Daca stam sa ne gandim si din punct de vedere geografic sa nu fiu pe luna, sa stiu ca orasul in care sunt e Craiova si ca suntem in Europa...
Okay, prea multa vorba, asa ca las o melodie aici care este" today's song" for me!


12 iunie 2012

It's time to make a change into my life, to do everything I've wanted and never had the time to do. The moment has come to make the impossible possible. Like the air around me which is suffocating and a good enemy I've have to become my own enemy. To fight with myself to get what i want . To keep every piece of me fighting for what's mine... Freedom .... is all i need, is all I want.. and I will get this freedom no mater the price i have to pay. What goes up,must come down. !!! It's time to let my selfish part into light and hide my good side for a while...

Be strong ,be brave, be who you want to be!

9 iunie 2012

Nothing else to do...

           The air around me is like a smooth summer breeze, the wind is whispering to me every moment of the night. Every touch, every move is killing my entire body, I feel safe,yet i feel the loneliness around that i'm willing to let go and drop every last piece into the black sea. But this is not happening it's just a dream right now, it's piece of memory burned into flames, or maybe i should continue this dream and leave all the misery behind.. but it's harder then it sounds!