29 noiembrie 2011

the touch of silence under the moonlight shadow

I feel lost,i have nothing around that is real
control is what i need ,the touch of silence
that time has passed it was just a trial
I suffer and nobody wants to care
so i bury myself under the moonlight shadow
where i feel safe and i can be with myself.

And it getting harder by the moment
it feels like i'm running out of time
i can't control my emotions and feeling
what happens now is to much to take
going down, going under, take me far away
space,freedom,a clear mind i need
and i find nobody who makes the pain to go away

The touch of silence, a gentile move
the pain is to much your voice is doom
the heart speaks a language my mind another
i have to chose between the daily sorrow
and to stay with myself in the moonlight shadow.

so i just go away
and leave all behind...

27 noiembrie 2011


Lasand in tainele noptii o urma de speranta,
o lume intreaga moare si eu nu clipesc.
dispar in a lor chemare lasand urme ratacite,
purtate de vant si lipsite de orice farmec...
privesc in indepartare, la lumina de la capat;
si astept cu nerabdare prima ploaie de dimineata,
fulgerul, care arata drumul a aparut,
lumea mea dintr-o data a adormit adanc.

Purtat de somn tin cont de orice parere,
Lovesc in suflet unde e tacere ..
Amar si sumbru apare noua chemare
se pregateste un nou drum spre iad
aratand ca o inchisoare a ingerilor.
adulmec mirosul puternic al noptii
noaptea cea vesnica plina de iluzii.
apar si dispar departe in noapte
ca drumul prin desert scufundat in soapte.