31 iulie 2011


un fior trecea prin sufletul meu,
simteam cum imi patrude in inima ,
foarte impunator, simteam cum noaptea
se transforma in vis precum o lacrima
in lumea in care traiesc totul este intamplator
respir iubesc simt totul este fermecator
o pulbere astern peste acest colt
Astept cu nerbabdare vocea ta
astept astept pana o sa mor
Calcand deasupra cerului instelat
sperand ca sufletul meu sa te fi luat
sub protectia sa, sub harul ei
Ca intr-o gradina cu flori de tei
Sub aripa rosie se asterne foc
Sub cea abla se asterne noroc
Cautand un drum la mijloc
N am sa gasesc calea fericirii deloc...
"Iar intr o zi cand am sa te vad
am sa iti port chipul tau frumos
in umbra inturnericului aleg lumina
In ulbra destinului aleg fericirea
iar tu , caund in zadar
ma vei gasi , in rai sau iad?

12 iulie 2011

Sleep with tears!(old)

sleep with tears

we need our time, a second matters
one but i came later
your life is coverd in blood all around
the devil comes ,makes you evil
you can't be good, you have no power
i wish to turn time back again

we could have lived now in a better places
the rain was hope, the life was sun
in return now all had turned to dark
the night is here again,it stoold my grace

Do you know how long i can love...
do you feel what's inside my heart..?
we belive in the light that's above us
but life's a sin sperated us
do you feel... , do you miss...?
do you sleep with tears...

is this the world that we wish for
i want to believe it's all a lenend
and everyone has a happy ending
you are my god,i'm your's forever

wake up from this dream
is time for reallity
it's time to wake up and see...

Do you know how long i can love...
do you feel what's inside my heart
we belive in the light that's above us
but life's a sin speratted us
do you feel... , do you miss...?
do you sleep with tears...

sleep with tears
love is here
i belive in it
our time's now
learn our lifes
getting something new

love with tears....

Real dream!

All the time i just dreamed
to be far away from the heat
but i caught a could
everyday i just see
that you aren't here
Here with me
i am a mess inside now
and everytime i try to
and every time i want to
i can't let go

this is a real dream
no nightmare to go thrue
this is a real dream
the dream of seeing you
this is a real dream
a dream that become so true
this is a real dream
this is why i waned you...

when i thought about you
i just went away i didn't knew
what was happening
everytime i just heard
what is happeining to me
i never answer this
and everytime i try to
and every time i want to
i can't let go

this is a real dream
no nightmare go go thrue
this is a real dream
the fack of seeing you
this is a real dream
a dream that become so true
this is a real dream
this is why i waned you...

thank you for all that you've done to me
cuze i know that you did,
thanks for helping me
thanks for the life that you shoued to me
cuze i know that you did
thanks for al that you diddd...

this is a real dream
no nightmare to go thrue
this is a real dream
the dream of seeing you..

nights of heaven!(old)

Nights of haven

Search for the lights
That falls all over the night
Looking for the sun
That shines all over the dark
Cry...For my one that is on the other side
Lie...For my hart to be disguise
this i how i try so survive

Let the wind carry you far from this place
far from all the shadows that thought i wass a mess
bring your soul closer to my hart
and one day it wont be no longer dark
no longer dark

Let the nights of heaven to bring us together
let the dreams and sorrows away and surrender
Keep the key of freedem into the heaven
keep the rhythm
into the night of heaven.

my love has disipier my hopes are no longer here
they are up there i try to see but my wikness
came all over my me
the love is now the danger
that keeps us there forever
so i pull over and think that i should disapier
deeper in my world

let the nights of heven to bring us together
let the people know what we are made of
distroy the shadow of the kingdomm of heven
for us to together
for us to be together

Another world!(old)

Writting you name in words
On a blurred windows
Wispering to myself
That you are my hero
But since time it's counting
There's only one second left
a second of regret
that falls like raindrops

And maybe you are wondering
Or maybe you are suffering
It's not up to me
to unnerve the pain away
the show is over
the show is over
the show is over

I'm going to be ( what i've wish to)
If faith loves me( i'll feel like heaven)
Don't let fear stay just fight it away
And hope for some more( some moree)

I'm goning to see ( ther rest of the world)
Time is a gift( that i didn't deserve before)
The moment has come, i'am on my way away
To another world
Another world

If i could figured you out so simple
an angel will give me a recess
In this long journey
That i'm willing to make
Then i'll find a easy way
I don't think a miracle will happen
We live in fantasy land
Were reallity is cruel
And dreams become true

And maybe you are wondering
or maybe you are suffering
It's not up to me
To scare the pain away
The show is over
The show is over
The show is over

I'm going to be ( what i've wish to)
If faith loves me( i'll feel like heaven)
Don't let fear stay just fight it away
And hope for some more( some moree)

I'm goning to see ( ther rest of the world)
Time is a gift( that i didn't deserve before)
The moment has come, i'am on my way away
To another world
Another world

The journey has begun
has begun
the journey has begun
has begun
To another world

11 iulie 2011

Beyond imagination!

I need something to think about
I need to let it go
This mess inside my head right now
Is killing me i know
I wish to change reality
To make my dream come true
While i do that i have to think about" you"
I came around I've notice
My spirit is away
There is something wrong with me
Or is you who i have to blame
Life had changed everything
Emotions are unknown
I need to figure out
What i really want

A dream
Can change everything

A though
can make a difference

A wish
can't make it true

Nevertheless i want to be with you
I think about it i know i'm right
My reality is my imagination in disguise
I look in the mirror i see a strange face
I can not recognize myself my body is just a shape
Of who i was back then when easy was the word
Now everything is complicated i wish i never have to know
What will i be , where would i go?
If I have to punish you or should i punish myself?
Should i stay? or should i go?
Should i bury you inside my soul
Should i stay in reality
Where you are just a person
While in my imagination
You are my heaven !
What should i do ?
The truth is that i will never be with you!

Urasc sa iubesc!

Am trecut la limita ratiunii
Privind cum timpu trece
Parca e cel dinaintea furtunii
Cand v-a fi un nou inceput
Acel moment va fi foarte curand
Tac, ascult, analizez
Incep sa cred ca pot sa urasc
Lumina bate-n intuneric
Jumatate din drum este in secret
Sper sa fie acela la care ma astept
Sa pot si eu intr-o zi sa vad
Strada aceea toata luminata
Cand oare se va intampla lumina luminata!
Vreau sa simt, vreau sa traiesc
in loc de iubit vreau sa urasc
inversul la tot ma cuprinde
soarta isi bate joc de mine
Si iar incerc, incerc incerc
Sa pot si mai mult sa te urasc
si numai pot, si numai pot
In clipa asta vreau sa zbor
Sa uit de tot, sa uit de mine
Acel"tu" sa fi alaturi de mine!

Un inceput de paradis

Astept, dar speranta dispare
Un nou rasarit sa apara
Astept o noua chemare
Astept ca azi sa nu mai doara
In noapte ma indrept incet
Dau muzica tare si incerc sa ma distrez
Vreau sa dansez dar pana dimineata sa nu regret
Un lucru spus odata, demult
"Ce ai facut, esti nebun"!
Poate sunt, poate nu sunt
Sunt doar purtata de vant
Si incerc in orice clipa sa reusesc
Sa traversez aceasta mare ca pe un desert
Un cerc la orizont spre care ma indrept
Din care sunt constienta ca nu o sa mai ies
Paradox,mister si agonie aceste lucruri zac in tine
Dar din pacate razboiul incepe abia maine
Cand lumina va rasari, iar aceasta nopate nu va mai fi!

1 iulie 2011

Amazing day!

Hellooowwww!!!!!!!!!! English or Romanian?.... hmmmmmmmmm maybe both but right now english...:))... okay so today, I mean tonight i am in a good mood to search on the internet.. nothing to do watching "Supernatural" Facebook, Twitter, Vplay, IMDB etcc. so it's kind of booringgg... got nothing interesting to do.. I've started writing a book dunno the same yet or a short description to give what i can say about it is that it's a "real story" based on my life, and my experience, friends, problems, family, music, inspiration, art, desire, etcc.. so i hope to finish it before september. :D anyway if you got something to say just say it now before i'll get famous..:))(jokeee*)...